Meyer M.W.


Библиотека / Исследования

  1. 1981 - Meyer M.W. The Letter of Peter to Philip [pdf]
  2. 1986 - Meyer M.W. The Secret Teachings of Jesus. Four Gnostic Gospels [Тексты] [epub] [pdf]
  3. 2006 - Kasser R., Meyer M.W., Wurst G. The Gospel of Judas from Codex Tchacos [pdf]
  4. 2008 - Вюрст Г., Кассер Р., Мейер М. Евангелие от Иуды [pdf]
  5. 2009 - Meyer M.W. The Gnostic Discoveries [epub] [pdf]
  6. 2011 - Barnstone W., Meyer M.W. Essential Gnostic Scriptures [Тексты] [epub] [pdf]
  7. 2012 - Meyer M.W. The Gospels of the Marginalized. The Redemption of Doubting Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Judas Iscariot in Early Christian Literature [Тексты] [pdf]

Библиотека / + Не только о гнозисе

  1. 2003 - Meyer M.W. Secret Gospels. Essays on Thomas and the Secret Gospel of Mark [pdf]
  2. 2005 - Meyer M.W. The Unknown Sayings of Jesus. A treasury of aphorisms, parables, and teachings from early Christian, Jewish, and Islamic sources [pdf]
  3. 2007 - Meyer M.W. Judas. The Definitive Collection of Gospels and Legends about the Infamous Apostle of Jesus [pdf]


Библиотека / + Не только о гнозисе

  1. 1994 - Ancient Christian Magic. Coptic Texts of Ritual Power [pdf]

Участие в других работах

Библиотека / Исследования

  1. 1990 - The Nag Hammadi Library. The Definitive Translation of the Gnostic Scriptures Complete in One Volume [pdf]
  2. 1991 - Nag Hammadi Codex VIII [pdf]
  3. 2000 - Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism [pdf]
  4. 2002 - Knjižnica Nag Hammadi. Evanđelje po Tomi, ostala gnostička Evanđelja i spisi pronađeni kod Nag hammadija [Тексты] [pdf]
  5. 2012 - Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature. Ideas and Practices [pdf]
  6. 2013 - Practicing Gnosis. Ritual, Magic, Theurgy and Liturgy in Nag Hammadi, Manichaean and Other Ancient Literature [pdf]

Библиотека / + Не только о гнозисе

  1. 1990 - Gospel Origins & Christian Beginnings. In Honor of James M. Robinson [pdf]
  2. 2005 - The Wisdom of Egypt. Jewish, Early Christian, and Gnostic Essays in Honour of Gerard P. Luttikhuizen [pdf]
  3. 2009 - The Legacy of John. Second-Century Reception of the Fourth Gospel [pdf]

Библиотека / Журналы, конференции

  1. 2008 - The Gospel of Judas in Context. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas. Paris, Sorbonne, October 27th-28th, 2006 [pdf]
  2. 2009 - The Codex Judas Papers. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Tchacos Codex held at Rice University, Houston, Texas, March 13-16 2008 [pdf]


  1. 2007 - National Geographic Special. Евангелие от Иуды [mp4]
  2. 2014 - Мифы человечества. Христианство до Христа [mp4]